
ABM/Anti-Ballistic Missile

ACSA/Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement

AG/Australia Group

AMIS/African Union Mission in Sudan

AMISOM/African Union Mission in Somalia

ANZUS(条約)/Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America

AOS/Area of Separation

APEC/Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

ARF/ASEAN Regional Forum

ASEAN/Association of Southeast Asian Nations

AU/African Union

AWACS/Airborne Warning and Control System

BMD/Ballistic Missile Defense

BWC/Biological Weapons Convention

C4ISR/"Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance"

CBM/Confidence Building Measures

CCCPA/Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa

CCS/Central Command System

CCW/Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects

CFE(条約)/Conventional Armed Forces in Europe

CIS/Commonwealth of Independent States

COE/Common Operating Environment

CPA/Comprehensive Peace Agreement

CTBT/Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

CWC/Chemical Weapons Convention

DII/Defense Information Infrastructure

DMZ/Demilitarized Zone

ERW/Explosive Remnants of War

EU/European Union

FPDA/Five Power Defense Agreements

GSOMIA/General Security of Military Information Agreement

HA/DR/Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief

IAEA/International Atomic Energy Agency

ICBM/Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

ICRC/International Committee of the Red cross

IMET/International Military Education and Training

IPT/Integrated Project Team

ISAF/International Security Assistance Force

ISMMS/Inter-Sessional Meeting on Maritime Security

JADGE/Japan Aerospace Defense Ground Environment

JI/Jemaah Islamiya

LRAD/Long Range Acoustic Device

MARSOC/Marine Corps Special Operations Command

MCAP/Multinational Cooperation program in the Asia Pacific

MD/Mediterranean Dialogue

MTCR/Missile Technology Control Regime

NATO/North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBC/"Nuclear, Biological and Chemical"

NEO/Noncombatant Evacuation Operations

NGO/Non-Governmental Organization

NPT/Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

NRF/NATO Response Force

NSG/Nuclear Suppliers Group

OCHA/United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

ODA/Official Development Assistance

OECD/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

OEF/Operation Enduring Freedom

OPCW/Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

PAC-3/PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3

PACC/Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference

PAMS/Pacific Armies Management Seminar

PASOLS/Pacific Area Senior Officer Logistics Seminar

PDCA/Plan Do Check Act

PfP/Partnership for Peace

PKO/Peacekeeping Operations

PRT/Provincial Reconstruction Team

PSI/Proliferation Security Initiative

PSO/Peace Support Operations

QDR/Quadrennial Defense Review

ReCAAP/Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia

S&TF/Systems and Technology Forum

SACO/Special Action Committee on Okinawa

SCC/Security Consultative Committee

SCO/Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SDC/Subcommittee for Defense Cooperation

SFOR/Stabilization Force

SLBM/Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

SM-3/Standard Missile-3

SRBM/Short-Range Ballistic Missile

SSBN/Ballistic Missile Submarine Nuclear-Powered

SSC/Security Subcommittee

START I/Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty I

TAC/Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia


TFG/Transitional Federal Government

UNAMA/United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

UNAMID/AU/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur

UNDOF/United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

UNHCR/Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNIFIL/United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

UNMIN/United Nations Mission in Nepal

UNMIS/United Nations Mission in Sudan

WPNS/Western Pacific Naval Symposium